The House on Hovey
Here in Bloomington, during every Christmas season, there is a house on Hovey Street that truly goes above and beyond simply stringing a few lights around some winter-saddened tree branches. In Bloomington, one merely has to say "The House on Hovey" to immediately know exactly which crazy, light-bedecked, plastic-figurine-laden home he or she is speaking of.
I have seen this house almost every winter for the past ten years I've lived in B-N. And every year, I forget to bring my camera to capture this house in all its glory. This year, I was determined to get a picture of it. So, Tony and I bundled up and started the 20 minute drive across town....only to discover they had taken it down!! AUGH!!!!! I thought all houses took down their Christmas decorations after the new year!
I was very sad. :( Next year, I'm going to succeed in getting that picture!
Couple notes on the house:
-There used to be another house across the street that would do the exact same thing. I don't know if the intent was humorous or evil, but it was funny to imagine that the two houses were in competition with each other to have the most lit-up house on the street.
-The house is very small. So small that I wonder where all the decorations go after each year. They have got to have a separate storage facility where they keep everything because there is no way all those decorations would fit in that house.
-Stinkier, bummed, but optimistic.