Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas with the Walkers

Riley and Harrison, engrossed in Harrison's Game Boy Advance

Yesterday, Tony and I spent the day at his grandparents' house in Georgetown, IL, home of the Georgetown buffalo, Gross's Pizza, and the first nighttime high school football game (in Illinois? In the United States?). This is advertised proudly on a sign right when you enter their fine town.

I love his grandparents, especially his Grandma Walker. She's one of those people that says things that are hysterical when she's not meaning to be. The entire evening was full of crazy comments, many contributed by her. Observe:

(everyone is downstairs talking near the foot of the stairs)

*thump, thump, thump* (plant lazily bounces down the stairs)
(everyone stops talking and looks up. Harrison and Riley peer cautiously around the corner, Riley with a giant, sheepish grin on his face)

Harrison: I didn't do it!
Riley: I didn't do it, either!
(Harrison has a shirt on that says "Dear Santa, it wasn't me!")
Megan: Harrison, that's why you're wearing that shirt, right?
Harrison: Yeah!
(Riley and Harrison run back up the stairs after grabbing the plant).
As they run away, we hear Riley saying to Harrison: Can I borrow that shirt?

Grandma W: Oh, while we were in the hospital for Grandpa, there was a really nice intern there. He was really handsome!
(We all wonder where she's going with this)
Grandma W (continues): And he was dark!

Now, I am not really clear what she meant by "dark". If she meant African American, who says "dark" anymore? Tony thinks that she meant tan.

Grandma W upon opening a gift of Taboo: "Tuh...Tuh-BOO."
Jim, innocently: What was that, Mom?
Grandma W (proudly): Tuh-Boo!
Jim grins and rolls his eyes.

(Riley sticks a bow on his head)
Riley: Open me next, Harrison!

Grandma W: I tell ya, our governor Blah-go-ja-vich...
Terri: Bla-GOY-a-vich.
Grandma W, tries again: Blah-jo-ja-vich
Terri: Bla-GOY-a-vich.
Grandma W: Blah-go-ja-vich.
(this continues a couple more times, until she finally pronounces it correctly)

It was a lot of fun! We all chipped in to purchase Tony's grandparents a new counter and sink because everything in their kitchen is still from the 1950s. Now, there is a sink in their yard with a sign that says "Free Sink" so, if you're in the market for an old sink, head on over to Georgetown and help yourself. :)

Four more days til crazy...

-Stinkier, out.


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