Friday, December 28, 2007

Vagina Dentata

My birthday is coming up in about a week. Tony said he'd take me to see any movie I wish to see, including Enchanted. Haha, I do want to see it, but I'm going to be nice and not subject him to it.

I wanted to see what movies will be playing during my birthday, so I went to Yahoo! Movies to check it out. There, I noticed that on January 18, a movie called Teeth will be released in a limited number of theatres.

It sounds like a real winner:

"High school student Dawn works hard at suppressing her budding sexuality by being the local chastity group's most active participant. Her task is made even more difficult by her bad boy stepbrother Brad's increasingly provocative behavior at home. A stranger to her own body, innocent Dawn discovers she has a toothed vagina when she becomes the object of violence. As she struggles to comprehend her anatomical uniqueness, Dawn experiences both the pitfalls and the power of being a living example of the vagina dentata myth." [Source]

Now, I had no idea there was this myth out there called "vagina dentata" so, I went to the ultimate source for information on the Internet.

Wikipedia had this to say:

"Vagina dentata is Latin for toothed vagina. The tale is frequently told as a cautionary tale warning of the dangers of sex with strange women."[Source]

This made me wonder if there was a dentata myth for men, so I tried to search for it in Wikipedia, but the closest thing I found was "penis removal". Which, I guess, could involve teeth? So maybe we can imply that strange men don't exist. ;)

"Teeth" won some awards so maybe it's not as hokey as it sounds. In any case, I don't think I'll be seeing it anytime soon.

One thing I thought was interesting that I found in that Wikipedia entry was that a someone invented an anti-rape female condom:

"In 2005, inventor Sonette Ehlers introduced The Rapex, an anti-rape female condom which can be inserted into the vaginal canal like a diaphragm. The product is lined with microscopic barbs which attach to a rapist's penis and which must be surgically removed. In an article about the Rapex, Ehlers stated that she was inspired to invent the device after meeting a victim who told her, 'If only I had teeth down there.' "

My only question is, how do you put it in beforehand? I mean, it's not like you can stop the guy and ask, hey, can you hang on one second while I take advantage of this device that will cause you immense pain?

Leaving work early today, so about 2 hours left for me, woohoo!

Stinkier, signing off.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Why I Will Never Watch "The Notebook"

I was perusing through Blockbuster's website, adding to my list of movies I would like to see sometime in my lifetime (includes such noteworthy cinema as "Independence Day" and "The Aviator") and I stumbled across "The Notebook". Can someone please explain to me why this has become such a hit movie? The premise of the movie just sounds so....sad. I mean, you have this one woman choosing between two men. Someone is going to be hurt in all of this. I heard that some girls cried after watching this. Why would you want to make yourself cry?

Thinking of this reminded me of a series that I remember seeing in my junior high library. I couldn't remember what it was called, so I Googled "romance novels woman choose between two men" and I'll be darned, the first search entry was exactly what I was looking for. The series is called Sunfire:

The Sunfire books contained two themes: history and romance. Each book featured
a teenage girl who experienced a particular period or event in American history. At the same time, each girl was torn between two potential lovers. The cover art always featured the main character flanked by her two potential lovers, along with scenes from the historical event or period that was the setting for the book.

Check it out! Looks like Harlequin light...I guess they tried to start them off young. So sad it's out of print. ;)

Hope your Christmas season is joyous and festive.

Stinkier, signing off.

Friday, December 21, 2007


At work and so bored. I'm leaving early so I really should be rushing to finish things before I leave, but since it's the weekend before Christmas, all I want to do is sit and read celebrity gossip online. But I told myself, 'Self, you should be productive. Create a blog.' Eh, who am I to argue with the little voices squabbling in my head? They've been very helpful thus far in my life.

Stinkier, over and out.