Monday, October 13, 2008

Slightly befuddled and amused...

I bit the bullet and joined the Facebook revolution. So far, I updated my profile, deleted things from the Wall about ten times, and found a few old friends...well, I should say they found me. You see, I set up a Facebook account about a year ago to see if I could find somebody and it's been dormant ever since then.

Well, people kept adding me as a friend for the past few months and since I have a growing-moldier-by-the-minute Myspace account, I wasn't too interested in doing anything with my Facebook one. I just kept apologizing to people, letting them know that by no means did I not consider them a friend just because I did not accept them as one; I simply was just a lazy friend.

To say the least, I am still pretty confused (can you tell by the fact that I mentioned I deleted things from the Wall ten times?). Amongst other things, what the heck is a bumper sticker? What is the purpose of "poking" people? Why is Tony's picture so huge? Why are there a million ads touting LC's weight loss via drinking berry juice?

Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure these things out in due time and if not...well, I'm going to be asking YOU all my questions. ;)

-Stinkier, confused.


Blogger Chrissy Wainwright said...

you have been added ;)

October 14, 2008 at 6:15 AM  

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